Sometimes there are moments in life we need to embrace and celebrate what we are doing today. As women, our bodies can do so much and bringing a child into this world is hard work. All your focus is on what’s best for the little one growing inside you and most of the time you’re not feeling very beautiful. I bring this up because I talk to mothers and expecting moms and a majority of you don’t want to be photographed because you don’t look your best. The thing is, this is a beautiful time in your life. Everytime I see a pregnant women, I think to myself she is doing so much right for that baby and I’m proud of her. She is strong, courageous, and inspiring. She may not hear me think these things but it’s true.
Being a photographer I can use my skills to embrace moments in our lives and capture special times for families so they have images to tell their journey. Life is one big adventure and I believe we should capture these moments and pass them down to our children so they see the adventure we’ve been on.
To all expecting mama, you are BEAUTIFUL, STRONG, and a SUPERHERO for so many.